The Kouroo Contexture

Page 2: Chronology

Page 3: The History of Quakerism

Page 4: Giving War a Chance

Page 5: Captain John Brown at Harpers Ferry

Page 6: The View from Greater Rhode Island

Page 7: Additional Materials

Page 8: Henry Thoreau

Page 10: The Orient

Page 11: The People of Concord

[Page 9: The People of WALDEN, WEEK, WALKING, WOODS, and CAPE COD]

This page with so many names is a mere "starter" list! Most of the easy readers who glance at Thoreau's works are just clueless (because they lack the background, I suppose), of the extent to which WALDEN, WEEK, WALKING, WOODS, and CAPE COD manifest themselves as a guided tour of all human culture and achievement! For the fuller index click here: BOOKpeople.

Albius Tibullus (circa 54 BCE- circa 19 BCE) 
Andrew, John (1815-1875) 
The "Artist of Kouroo"
Sippio Brister of Lincoln (1756-1820)
Carew, Thomas (1595-1645)

Chalmers, Alexander (1759-1834) 
Chapman, George (1559-1634) 
Chaucer, Geoffrey (1342/3?-1400) 
Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844)

Copernicus, Nicolas (1473-1543)
Doctor John Cuming (1728-1788)
Curtis, Burril (1821-1895) 
Curtis, George William (1824-1892) 
Professor Edward Desor (1811-1882)
Drummond, Sir William (1585-1649) 
an escaping slave
Euripides (480-406BCE) 
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790)
Franklin, Sir John (1786-1847) 

Brister (1744-1822) and Fenda Freeman (1751-1811)

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) 
Goffe, William (1605-1679) 
Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)
Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (1793-1835)
Hesiod (753 BCE-circa 680 BCE) 
Hippocrates (circa 460BCE–circa 370BCE) 
Isis, Veiled Goddess of Nature (ever-ever)
Jonson, Ben (1572-1637)
Kelsey, Reuben (1801-1828) 
Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de  Lafayette (1757-1834) 

Laing, Samuel (1780-1868) 
Lygdamus (circa 1st Century BCE) 
Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)
Milton, John (1609-1674) 
Newton, Isaac (1642-1727) 
Ossian (never-never)
Parkman, Deacon William (1741-1832) 

Parr, Thomas (1483?-1635) 

Patch, Sam (1799-November 13, 1829) 
Pfeiffer, Ida (1797-1858) 
(Mosleh Od-Din ’Abdallah of Shiraz, 1213-1292)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) 
Solomon, King (????-????BCE) 
Solon of Athens (630-560BCE) 
St. Augustine (354-430CE) 
Virgil (70-19BCE) 
Webster, Senator Daniel (1782-1852)  
Whalley, Edward (1615-1675) 

Wilberforce, William (1758-1883)

Winslow, Governor Edward (1594-1654)
Xenophanes (570-479 BCE)
Zoroaster (circa 630-circa 550 BCE)